Membership Application Process
The process for membership application is as follows:
- Complete the application form and return to the membership manager who will then arrange to meet with you at the club & arrange a date for you to be played in by a member of the Playing- In Committee
- If you do not have a proposer and seconder (who must have been members of Littlestone for at least 3 years), references from other or former clubs may be requested and your probation will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors
- After your meeting & playing-in, if successful, you will be added to the Candidates Book where at least four signatures must be obtained from the membership to support your application
- At least three months fees plus the prevailing joining fees and union fees will be collected at this point
- Once all of the signatures are gained your name will also be put forward to the Board of Directors for formal approval
- During this probationary period, you will be able to play casual golf but not enter any club competitions
- Your probationary period will last until four signature are collected and the Board of Directors have given their approval (ideally all within a three month period)
- Should your application for membership be rejected at any point during this probationary period, any fees paid will be refunded but not union fees or incurred costs
- Full Members may also pay for their subscriptions by using Fairway Credit. The application form must be completed and accepted by Fairway Credit before the membership commences. Associate Members must pay in full and in advance of their year"‹